Wednesday, 9 February 2022


A new year and another larger version change.  

The final version for 2021 (v3.2.0.2021f) was released in January, and is now also available at the CEDA Archive.  We have released the first preliminary version for this calendar year, v3.3.0.202201p.

A couple of bugs have come to light over the last month, which means this new version is has a larger version increment than normal.

Record Check

A user pointed out that the record check was failing known records for stations in the Middle East.  This was due to the HadISD code using the values for the temperature records available at Arizona State University for just continental Europe, rather than the area reflecting WMO Region VI.  This has been fixed in the latest run.  We've also updated the values used by this check to account for recent extreme events which have set new records.

Calm Periods

We noticed that calm periods, especially for stations in Asia and parts of Europe, were not being correctly converted from the ISD because of a change in encoding for these measurements which started in mid-2013.  We have been in contact with NOAA/NCEI who maintain the ISD to find out what occurred.  However, as a interim we have adjusted how calm periods are read in from the ISD so that these are now correctly presented.  We hope to be able to give further details on this change, how it arose and its implications in due course.